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According to current recommendations and orders of the Russian Ministry of Health, in the department of ultrasound diagnostics of the oncological center, it is necessary and lawfully to perform invasive manipulations to obtain a morphological verification of the oncological process. Nevertheless, there are significant gaps in the existing normative acts concerning organizational aspects.

Aim: to conduct an analysis of the organization and results of morphological testing of malignant neoplasms in conditions of separation of ultrasonic diagnostics of the Kursk Regional Clinical Oncology Center.

Materials and methods: 5,114 results of histological and immunohistochemical studies of material obtained with biopsies under ultrasound in the period 2012 - 2016 were analyzed. For the first time we included into department - 2 manipulation rooms, corresponding to sanitary requirements for conducting sterile manipulations. We first install Sonoscape S40 scanners in the manipulation rooms. All invasive examinations were performed by ambulatory and resident patients by ultrasound specialists who have a primary specialization in surgery, gynecology or urology Core biopsy was performed under local anesthesia with semi-automatic needles 14G or 16G; a gun-needle system biopsy was performed using a Bard-Magnum biopsy gun, 18 G needle, and a biopsy attachment to the rectal sensor. The material was preserved in a 10% solution of neutral formalin, labeled and sent to the department of oncomorphology with application of the direction to the intravital pathological anatomical study of the biopsy material. Statistical processing of the data was carried out using the SPSS program «STATISTICS 20.0». Conjugation tables were compiled to determine the relationship between variables. Pearson's x2 was used as the communication criterion, and its asymptomatic two-sided significance was estimated.

Results. During the research, high efficiency of the proposed organizational model is revealed. A statistical relationship is revealed between the informativeness of the material and the physiciar who manipulates and organ-object. Ways of development are offered.



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